Community Garden Plot Rental Registration
Reserve your plot online NOW for the 2024 growing season and meet us at the garden!
Select your plot # during the registration process!!!!
Thank you for your support of the community garden! We hope that this garden space is a bright spot in your summer! Once you have registered online by selecting & paying for your plot you can begin planting right away! Yeah!
Please review the information below:- The ground plots will be approximately 20x20 feet with a planting area of about 15x15 feet.
- You may begin planting as soon as payment & registration is complete. You are responsible for your own site preparation.
- The roped off area is the designated planting area. The outside posts are a border of your plot. Each renter must keep this border area mulched and free of weeds. We had a bit of a weed problem last year and would like to make sure that the garden is functional, but well-kept.
- At the end of the growing season, all plots and beds must be returned to the same shape as you got them. This includes pulling all vegetation, pulling weeds from your area of the path and removing all items such as posts, string, markers, etc. Any renters who do not comply with this may face a monetary fine for cleanup and lose their right to future plot rentals.
We are excited to get the garden growing and seeing all the ways our community comes together by contributing to this space! We look forward to "Meeting You At The Garden!"
Garden Rules and Rental Agreement/Contract:
Individual garden plots or raised beds will be available for rent. Note: Assignment of garden plots and beds will be awarded by a lottery system. Preference for next year's plots will be given to this year's participants first.
By renting a garden space, each gardener must be responsible for:- Upkeep up their space. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are the responsibility of the gardener. Water sources will be provided.
- Upkeep of the path around your garden; mulching and keeping it free of weeds.
- Plots and beds need to be maintained at least once a week. You may arrange for other gardeners to water your plot if you're unavailable.
- Any space that remains unattended for more than three weeks is subject to reassignment.
- Application of herbicides and pesticides is prohibited. You may contact our Master Gardeners if you have questions about a problem with your garden, they can help find a solution.
- Harvest vegetables and flowers from their own rented spaces only, keeping plantings contained to your plot only.
- At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot/bed of all plant material and leaving the area as they found it in the spring. Renters who do not comply will be subject to a monetary fine and loss of future plot rentals.
By renting a garden space, each gardener is also responsible for volunteering in at least one of the following areas:
♦ site maintenance ♦ watering community garden ♦ annual planting of community garden ♦ construction projects ♦ social Event ♦ phone calls/mailings ♦ fall clean-up, composting
Community Shed:- A limited number of tools and supplies will be available in the shed. Please return all tools back to shed.
- A sign with announcements, phone numbers and a place for questions will be located on the shed.
- Keep the shed clean and safe for all to use
Children's Garden: This is used for education classes and students have signed up to take care of this space. Please do not harvest from this area.
Community Area: The community area of the garden is open to anyone in our community. There are no income requirements or any other requirements. We only ask that if people harvest from the garden, that they only take what they need for a meal and not use this garden as a place to get large quantities for canning or resale. We encourage everyone to also help weed and maintain this spot if they're using it. All are welcome! We love to welcome children to our garden! This is a great family activity and learning experience! We ask that children are always accompanied by an adult and supervised to ensure the child's safety and to respect others? areas of the garden.
Pets: No pets are allowed in any area of the garden.
Thank you for being a part of our community garden and keeping it a safe and welcoming space for our whole community to come together!
Date and Time
Monday Apr 1, 2024 Friday May 24, 2024
1st St N., Sauk Centre, MN
Near the outdoor skating rinkFees/Admission
20 x 20 Ground Level Plot (15x15 plantable area): $25 per plot
4 x 16 Raised Bed Plot: $50 per bed
To Rent Your Plot - Click on the maroon "Register" button to get started!
*NOTE: Must also read the attached Garden Contract and agree to terms and condition. By renting a plot (ground or raised) you are agreeing to the terms laid out in the garden contract/rental agreement. You can find the detailed information to print by clicking on the document name link below.Contact Information
you can email questions regarding rental info to the chamber
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